Refund & Cancellation Policies

Subscription Refunds:
  • If you are not satisfied with our services within the first 30 days of your subscription, we offer a full refund of the subscription fees.
  • Refund requests must be submitted in writing to our customer support team and include a valid reason for the refund.
Service Cancellation:
  • You have the freedom to cancel your subscription at any time by contacting our customer support team.
  • Cancellation requests will be processed immediately, and no further charges will be incurred.
No Partial Refunds:
  • We do not provide partial refunds for unused portions of the subscription period.
Termination of Service:
  • Quickest reserves the right to terminate the service or suspend your account in cases of non-compliance with our terms of service or any illegal activities.
Non-Refundable Add-Ons:
  • Certain add-ons or extra services may be offered separately and are non-refundable once purchased.